Since we are going to Ireland what is more fitting than an announcement on St Patrick's day :-)  Tell your friends, we have the whole ball room again this year.  Let's make this our best yet.  Get those ideas flowing, please post them no matter how wild.  Your wild idea might just spark someone else to have an idea that is doable. 

Our dates are Sept 20-22. I have signed the contracts for the hotel, we will be back at the Radison.   They are ready to receive your reservations and I had them add a few suites to our block so the issues we had last year reserving these should be alleviated this year, prices remain the same 79 per night for a standard room and I think suites are 89 but I will have to check on that.  Please remind them that we should only be charged $5 per night for the resort fee instead of the customary 10.  

Contest:   Make a 12 inch block using Irish cables.  If enough are donated we will be group them and auctioned them off as afghan kits.  There are lots of free patterns available on the web or get out those stitch dictionaries and come up with your compilation.  Also if you bring the pattern, I will compile them and post it to the group following the Fiber In. 

Since it will be hard to have a parade with blocks, what do you all think of a fashion show for our parade.  What other activities do you think will make this our best year ever?

On a personal note: I am planning to be out of the country for the 3+ weeks preceding the Fiber In and so the planning must be complete before I leave August 22 (returning the weekend before the Fiber In). I am going to India with Wild Fibers and am so excited I can hardly wait.  We are going to visit nomadic cashmere goat herders in the Himalayas!  I am also looking for someone to take charkha lessons from while I am there. If you have been, I would love to hear from you.  I will have several days before and after the tour to be on my own and am trying to figure out what not to miss items should be on my list, I will mostly be in Delhi and of course Agra to see the Taj Mahal.