2012 Venue

February 28, 2012
The contract for the 2012 Florida Fiber In has been signed.  We will once again be gathering at the Radison in Orlando.  See the hotel page for complete details.  More to come as the planning gets underway for our 9th year.

I am just amazed that what started out as a random thought has grown and we are celebrating our 9th year.   I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you that have participated in the past events and that will participate in the future events.  It really does take everyone to make this event the success it has become. 

What to bring to the Fiber In

September 8, 2011

This question comes up alot so using a partial repost from last year here are some of the things on my packing list:

Fashion Parade:  My most fabulous hat!  I brought it into the office yesterday to show it off and it was very well recieved.  All agreed that Kate should invite me to tea to be close to my hat never mind my sparkling personality :-)  If you haven't made a hat bring something to wear in the parade - it is great fun!  And there will be prizes.

Auction items - one of the main wa...

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We have a home for 2011!

June 4, 2011
We have made arrangements with the Radisson on International Drive to take over their ballroom and turn it into  a yarn lovers playground for the third weekend in September (16-18).  Check out the hotel page and make your reservations early to ensure you don't miss out on this unique event.

It's coming together and we are all getting excited, there are a few things you can start doing now to get into the Fiber In spirit:

Laura is busy getting the demo schedule organized so let us know if you ha...
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Final Negotiations for Conference Rooms

May 18, 2011
Finally! I am in the final negotiations for our meeting rooms for the 2011 Florida Fiber In. Stay posted because things will start moving fast once this contract is signed, hopefully today! It has been quite the challenge since we are growing! Moving to the next level of conference room is not cheap so tell your friends, put it on your calendar (and theirs) in Ink!

Carpool, buses, and trains: with the rising price of gas maybe someone could volunteer to put together carpools and arrange pick u...
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2011 Contest Announcement

May 5, 2011

Although I am not one to typically get caught up in other people's lives the pageantry of the Royal Wedding caught the attention of the little girl living in my heart.  And then it occurred to me that the Fiber In had chosen to visit England at this year's event.  Could we have been more spot on?

I had already been thinking about how to introduce this year's contest and this is the perfect day.  Every lady at the wedding was wearing one.  Some were crazy weird, some were elegant, some were ...

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2010 Wrap Up Notes

September 29, 2010

I have to say that in spite of what appeared to be a rocky start on the newsgroup we had one of the smoothest running events this year.  I even got to attend an entire demo and that hasn’t happened since the very first year!  We were a little short on space but everyone stepped up to make the best of it and the spinners took over the hallway.  The bake sale raised 50 dollars for Jen’s Art Foundation and the auction made close to 600 to help fund next year’s Fiber In.  Hopefully we will ...

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2011 Announcements from the 2010 Florida Fiber In

September 21, 2010

I learned at this year's event that not everyone Yahoo's so I will try to remember to post important updates here.  Of course you can always email me but usually there isn't much information until late August.  You will just have to trust us when we say mark off the third weekend in September and plan to come to Orlando for a weekend of Fiber fun with people who get it.

We made some decision at the 2010 event concerning the 2011 Florida Fiber In.

We were hoping to be able to reuse the Hawthorne...

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What is the Florida Fiber In

The Florida Fiber In is a loosely (and we do mean loosely) organized get together. Held the third weekend in September is about the only thing you can count on happening at the Florida Fiber In. Think of the Fiber In as a sleep over at the yarn store with a bunch of new friends.

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